Vištal tekiš į mišvikudeginum 3.september 2003. Vidjóiš kemur brįšum
CNN: I was reading star I know you haven't seen this and in here there's a picture of u coming out of a restaurant, and it made me think, are you shadowed all the time?
Britney: Wait, what?
CNN: There's a picture of you a stuffed Britney Spears holding your stomach like anyone would
Britney: I guess my food must have been really good for me to do that.
CNN: Do you see photographers following you all the time?
Britney: Well its not all the time, kind of like in LA there's a lot of photographers and stuff but when I go to London its not as bad, its cool when I go overseas I can kind of escape a little bit.
CNN: You went there after the kiss

Britney: uh hum.
CNN: Give me the chronology of the kiss how did you decide to kiss Madonna?
Britney: well actually in rehearsals it wasn't like something 'you know this is what we are gonna do' we played around a little bit and she said lets just feel it out and see what happens I didn't know it was gonna be that long, it was cool
CNN: have you ever kissed a women before?
Britney: no, I've never kissed a woman before.
CNN: would you do it again?
Britney: would I again? AHH! NO! *shrieks* I'd do it again with Madonna
CNN: so you're gonna stay true with Madonna
CNN: what does your mom think?
Britney: what does my mom think? she thinks it was cool she liked the performance, she knows its about performing and its not know.
CNN: how do you think the fans who followed you up from your days in the MMC up till now, are they happy with the change in your image?
Britney: I mean honestly its about me just performing and expressing yourself and I think when someone sees you up on stage having fun and fulfilling your dream they are inspired by that and that's what matters
CNN: so you don't notice any shift in the way you present yourself three years ago it was an example of clean living

Britney: I think I am still clean living I don't go home and have orgies or anything like that, I am still the same person I have always been
CNN: your gonna be in the national mall soon performing for Pepsi and the NFL and also to support our troops, a lot of entertainers have come out against the war in Iraq, have you?
Britney: honestly I think we should just trust our president in whatever decision that he makes and we should just support that you know and be faithful in what happens
CNN: do you trust this president?
Britney: yes I do
CNN: do you think he's going to win again?
Britney: uhm, I don't know, I don't know that.
CNN: you've worked for Pepsi for a long time, candidly just btw me and you how much Pepsi do you drink in a average day?
Britney: I really do like Pepsi! I really do.
CNN: what's your favorite kind?
Britney: my favorite kind of Pepsi? Pepsi's Pepsi!
CNN: well you don't drink diet Pepsi or...?
Britney: no, just regular Pepsi.
CNN: what are your favorite TV shows?
Britney: my favorite shows? sex and the city definitely, friends of course. I like these reality shows on MTV now, I think its very humorous to watch the new Jessica Simpson and nick lachey show and the wade robson project I love that.
CNN: do you watch CNN?
Britney: oh ALL the time, all the time, you know
CNN: really? I knew I liked you Britney
CNN: are you gonna make another movie?
Britney: I would love to, I would love to.
CNN: any plans in the near future?

Britney: um, right now I am just focusing on my music but seriously I would love to, I'd love to do a musical, I'd love to do it all.
CNN: you said you were thinking about moving to London. why?
Britney: its the one place that I feel completely anonymous and I just like the way they treasure everything, everything's very simply done and um you know the milkman still comes to the door you know and I like the simplicity of that I think that's very cool and um I don't know.
CNN: you feel that your life's too complicated?
Britney: too complicated? sometimes, just a little you know. I think there's just an energy there that's really cool.
--end of interview--
host: the cool and complicated tucker carlson joins us now, what I really wanna ask you is did she at least offer you a stick of her gum but what I'm really going to ask you is what's she like what does she seem like, sitting one on one?
Tucker: she seemed VERY young. she seemed younger than a person who would bare her midriff. I mean the impression I came away with is that it would be wrong to have adult thoughts about Britney spears. she may be 21 but she seems really young, in a nice way, but I mean this is someone who has been in entertainment but I think she leads a very different life that lets say we do in cable, kinda sequestered.
host: I also doubt that she watches CNN but that's for another time.
tucker: yep.